A dedicated strand of sessions and marketplace activities designed by and for First Nations practitioners

We are excited to present the sixth annual Indigenous Creators Program at AIDC 2024.
AIDC’s Indigenous Creators Program recognises that First Nations storytellers create some of the most powerful, creative, entertaining, and impactful documentary and factual content on a global stage.
The Program is a strand of sessions and marketplace activities designed by and for First Nations practitioners to come together, share ideas and support the craft and business of First Nations stories.
It provides targeted information to practitioners from all skill levels around topics such as pitching, storytelling, funding and distribution for Indigenous-led stories.
Developer, facilitator and producer for the screen arts, Laurrie Mansfield (née Brannigan-Onato) will return for a second year as First Nations Producer at AIDC 2024.
Laurrie is a proud Aboriginal-Filipino-Irish and Bi+ / Gender Queer individual who has worked with leading organisations both locally and globally, including Screen Australia (First Nations, Enterprise, Content, Online), Netflix (Production and ANZ Grow Creative), Australians in Film (AiF), Australian International Documentary Conference (AIDC), Arts Cultural Exchange (A.C.E.), Screen NSW, Curious Works, Screenworks and Sydney Film Festival.
Presently, Laurrie splits their time between producing at GARUWA, the 100% Aboriginal-owned, multidisciplinary creative agency, and freelancing as an assessor, developer, facilitator, programmer, and emerging writer.
“The Indigenous Creators Program is a unique program that is designed by and for the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander factual sector; a community that sits at the forefront of truth-telling,” said Laurrie.
“Now is more important of a time than ever to elevate and uplift First Nations voices and I am honoured to return as the First Nations Producer for AIDC’s Indigenous Creators Program.”
Indigenous practitioners are encouraged to contact their local state or territory screen agency directly to find out more about travel assistance and registration support to attend AIDC 2024.
The Indigenous Creators Program will be made available to all Indigenous practitioners registered to attend AIDC with a Business Pass, All Access Pass, or Sessions Pass. Program sessions will be announced in early 2024.
Visit the Indigenous Creators Program page for more information about the program and state agency support contacts.
Image Credit: Marungka tjalatjunu (Dipped in black) 2023 | Photographer: Matthew Thorne @matthewjjthorne | Courtesy: Other Pictures & Switch Productions