How will the federal government’s proposed production incentive reforms impact the Australian documentary and factual sector?
AIDC will be hosting an industry discussion forum for all documentary and factual practitioners on the subject of the proposed production incentive reforms recently outlined by the Federal Government.
The forum will be produced and led by documentary and factual industry players and will focus on key topics including:
- QAPE threshold increase;
- Gallipoli Clause;
- standardisation of the 30% threshold across all platforms;
- and 30% copyright cap.
A panel representing producers, lawyers and business affairs across documentary and factual will present on these topics and there will also be an opportunity to ask questions. Shadow Arts Minister for the Greens, Senator Sarah Hanson Young, will also be in attendance. Additional government ministers and speakers will be confirmed in the coming days and updated here.
The forum will take place online via zoom at 1300 (AEDT) Wednesday 16 December and run for approximately 90 minutes. Attendance is free but registrations are essential.