History is in the Taking: Creating New Narratives through the Archives
Panel An illuminating discussion about creating new forms of representation through the archives.
Bringing together archivists and filmmakers, this session will explore change-making through the archives and how calls for racial and gender equality have shaped desires to more accurately represent our diverse communities.
Join UK filmmaker and journalist Leonn Mann – director of the Trailblazers documentary series focusing on black athletes, Daniel Featherstone – coordinator of the First Nations Media Archiving Project and Dr Rebecca Swift of Getty Images, as they discuss the role of archives in creating new and diverse narratives.
Moderated by Dr Romaine Moreton, First Nations filmmaker and writer, the session will focus on change-making through archives, the challenges of drawing on archival film to tell previously unheard stories and the responsibility of archives to evolve their content, creators and collections to more accurately represent the diversity of our world.
Image Credit: Angela Davis, Bettmann Archive, Getty Images.

Date & Time
20:15 – 21:15, Tuesday 2 March 2021
Screenrights Stage
Session Producer
Natasha Gadd