The Future of Theatrical Documentary
Business Theatrical feature docs are vital to the fabric of nonfiction storytelling, but after a challenging few years, industry leaders ask the question - what does a thriving theatrical documentary sector really look like?
Theatrical feature docs are vital to the fabric of nonfiction storytelling, allowing for in-depth investigations and bold explorations of untold stories to broad audiences with lasting impact.
Over the past few years of COVID-related closures, a range of exhibitors, distributors and filmmakers have been significantly affected. As we start to think about recovery, what would a thriving theatrical documentary sector really look like?
Join leading industry figures for a panel discussion envisioning a future where the documentary sector thrives, what would that look like, and what needs to happen to achieve it. When 30% of the documentary box office comes from Australian features, what can we learn from recent case studies, including Franklin, Love in Bright Landscapes, The Velvet Queen and You Can Go Now as we think about a healthy future for theatrical?
IMAGE CREDIT: Image courtesy of Daniele Levis Pelusi

Date & Time
10:00 – 11:00, Wednesday 8 March 2023
ACMI Cinema 1
Sue Maslin, Tait Brady, Paul Wiegard, Charlotte Wheaton, Sasha Close
Session Producer
Chris Kamen