Jai Wright (Australia)

Jai (he/him) has recently held a producer attachment for Suburban Legends (Peculiar Pictures), playing on ViceAu. Jai has worked with Regen Studios, contributing to the production and impact campaigns of Regenerating Australia and What is Regeneration? and he served as a passionate volunteer and state coordinator for Seedmob and the Australian Youth Climate Coalition from 2017 to 2020.

He created a five week-long personal and professional development course, Entanglements: Decolonising Emotional Availability and has presented at the National Sustainable Living Festival, Melbourne Knowledge Week, and Initiatives of Change Australia. Jai participated in the GARUWA and Doc Society First Nations Impact Lab to develop a virtual reality project of Creation stories related to curriculum learning units about the Country the ancestral knowledge is drawn from and brought to life as composites of animation, photography and videography.