Mark Woods (Australia)
Industry Programs Director / Premiere Fund Executive Producer
MIFF Premiere Fund

Mark Woods is the Melbourne International Film Festival (MIFF) industry director, managing Accelerator Lab for emerging directors, and screen content co-financing event 37ºSouth Market and serving as executive producer of the MIFF Premiere Fund.

Woods previously was CEO of both Ausfilm and Screen Ireland, Showtime Australia Head of Independent Acquisitions & Content Investment, and Australian reporter for industry publication Variety. Also taking Premiere Fund meetings are MIFF Industry Manager Eddie Coupe & Industry Officer Scott Joblin.

Company Bio

The Premiere Fund provides funding to support production of new Australian films (which have a connection to, and some spend in, Victoria) that will then debut at MIFF. Since 2007, the Fund has supported more than 90 “stories that need telling” including feature documentaries FranklinGreenhouse by JoostBecause We Have Each OtherVolcano ManHating Peter TatchellOff CountryAblazeThe SongkeepersPutuparri & The RainmakersThe FamilyElectric BoogalooThe EulogyBastardy, and The Coming Back Out Ball Movie.