In 2022, Boris produced two documentaries, Fire Of Love and Navalny, both securing Oscar nominations and marking him the first producer since 1942 to be nominated for two Academy Awards for Best Documentary Feature in the same year. He went on to win the Oscar for Navalny.
His other recent films include Hollywoodgate, King Coal, Stray, The Edge Of Democracy, The Seer And The Unseen, and All These Sleepless Nights. His films have premiered at festivals like Sundance and Venice, screened with museums including The Louvre and MOMA, received honours such as BAFTA and Peabody Awards, and were commissioned or acquired by distributors such as National Geographic, Netflix, HBO, and CNN.
Boris has also been a guest speaker at universities such as the Harvard Kennedy School and Columbia School of the Arts, and has worked as a strategist for non-profits, a writing consultant for authors and academics, and a song lyricist for musicians.
Shane is a member of the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences.